
I’m very excited to announce the details of my first workshop in 2013! Chris Roberge from ClearImages Photography in beautiful Kelowna, B.C. has invited me to teach a two-day workshop around conceptual photography and how to turn your ideas into creative, conceptual photographs!

The first day (March 2nd) will start with a morning of discussion around developing ideas into photoshoots, I will go over my own process of conceptualizing and we’ll come up with some ideas together on the photoshoot for the afternoon. That afternoon will be spent at the Gellatly Nutfarm where we will work together to create our pieces. A model and props will be on hand to help you create the photo you’ve planned and I will assist each photographer as they shoot their concept. The main concept that we will work around is based on this one but it’s entirely open to each person’s interpretation and goals!



The second day (March 3rd)  will be centered around post production, I will go over my own editing styles and techniques I like to use on my photos and then I will edit my version of the photo from the previous day. Giving advice and answering questions as we go. It’s not required that you bring your own laptop but if you’d like to bring it and edit as we go that would be great too! A DVD recording of my editing will be provided to attendees so you can take the lesson home with you!

The seats are very limited (about 6 in total) and the cost is only $350 for both days! I would love to see some of you there!

If you have any questions or if you’d like to sign up, please email Chris at chris@ciphotog.com!






Saturday March 2 – “Conceptualizing Your Shoot”10am-5pm (Gellatly Nutfarm – Location of Shooting) -Discussion of how to develop an idea/concept, and turn it into a shoot. – Discussion from 10am – 1pm. Travel to Location and shooting begins at 1pm. Lunch will be provided at the break time (1pm)

Sunday March 3 – Post Production on conceptual image. 10am-4pm – Location TBA Taking previous days photos into photoshop, and applying processing techniques to develop said conceptual image to final stage of production.

Materials Required: Own Camera w/ Memory cards, Lighting Equipment will not be necessary, as this will be a Natural Light setup. During the Post Production section, a laptop will not be required as we will be recording the processing and providing a DVD of the workshop to all attendees!