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Joel Robison Photography

Posts By: Joel

Catch and Release – Behind The Scenes

    One of my goals this year in my photography is to continue to use photography as a way of discovering more about myself and also as a way to connect people who may be experiencing some of the […]

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How A Photo Changed My Life

Have you ever had one of those defining, fork in the road, flip a coin, change your life kind of moments? I’ve had a couple pop up in life and I think about the paths that each decision leads to […]

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What I Learned in 2015

For as long as I can remember I’ve always spent some time at the end of each year and reflected on not just the memories, goals, and people who influenced me during the previous 12 months, but the lessons I […]

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One Year In England

  It’s amazing how quickly a year passes, it’s already been a full rotation around the sun since I’ve moved to England. It’s been such an amazing, scary, inspiring, growing time in my life. A lot of people have asked […]

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