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Joel Robison Photography

Posts By: Joel

On Turning 30

This week I hit what apparently is a milestone birthday. The big 3-0, the end of my twenties, the “old age”. And I don’t care at all. I’ve never been one to fixate on age or the importance of the […]

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New Adventures in South America

Since June of last year the longest amount of time I’ve spent at my own house has been 3 weeks and this June was no exception to the craziness of traveling and working. I’ve been so fortunate not only to […]

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Pushing Forward

The last month that I’ve been home has been an interesting one, a challenging one but rewarding as well. For the first time since I was teenager I found myself without a real “job” or school or other thing to […]

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Just One More Cup – Tutorial/Behind The Scenes

It’s been a while since I’ve done a tutorial so I thought I would write a short one with some behind the scenes for my recent photo titled “Just One More Cup”. The idea for this image all starts from […]

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